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New Decade New You

We know the deal. A couple weeks into a new year, a new decade even, and all of the good intentions involving self improvement are basically out the window. It’s hard to get in shape or eat better or get organized. You don’t even want to know what kind of important papers I’ve lost recently. […]

Planning a Trip

Do you some unused vacation days up, but the thought of planning a trip, no matter what size, causes you undue stress?  Good news! We found an article that can help you make that trip a truly relaxing vacation and not an engine of constant stress and panic.  If you are interested in learning more […]

Reuse Your Gray Water

An at-home gray water treatment plant can take wastewater and turn it into something usable again. There are steps that you can take to cut back on water waste that goes beyond getting a plumber in to fix a leaky faucet. With the right system in place, you can save money if you are one of the 90 […]

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