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How to Paddleboard – E-Library

you’re keen to know how to stand-up paddleboard here’s the best way to get started:

Board handling When you’ve secured the leash around your ankle, you can lift your board off of the ground and place it onto the rail. This protects your back. For moving the paddleboard, grip the handle with your hands and hold it. Then, sit on the board so that you can center your weight. Stroke several times to get further. Place the paddle onto the board. Then slowly elevate your feet to ensure that your knees are aligned with the surface. Keep your eyes forward and do not look downwards when paddling.

Handling the paddle can cause water to flow up towards your board. It is preferential to hold the blade facing in the direction of forward. While paddling forward and the angle of the blade will raise you up and push you forward when fully submerged. Straighten your paddle and pull it towards the board. This will permit the paddle to straighten out. Balance will be preserved if you keep the paddle in water.


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